This custom photo booth backdrop was created for Make Up Forever. The background was created out of dense foam and custom carved to create a cascading effect. Then custom made confetti was glued over the top.

Open Air Photo Booth

Photo Booth

This custom photo booth backdrop was created for Make Up Forever. The background was created out of dense foam and custom carved to create a cascading effect. Then custom made confetti was glued over the top.
Description - As a part of Make Up Forever's 'Step 1' New Colors Launch Party, Pixster custom created a confetti photo booth background activation. The background was created out of dense foam and custom carved to create a cascading and ombre effect. Custom made confetti was placed over the top of the foam to fit the colors and theme of the event. The event was to honor the top sellers and social media promoters. Many attendees were Youtube and Instagram celebrities. Content from the photo booth was a huge hit and the social media sharing surpassed expectations.
Location - SLS, Beverly Hills (3 hours)
Total Users: 154
Emails Collected: 55
Total Social Reach: 77,545